
Friday, September 19, 2008

On-line Staff Rage

The importance of your web-cred is increasingly important.
A motel's consumer rating is being formulated and exposed to the world by guest reviews on accommodation websites and social networks. Past guests are more than happy to share accommodation experiences and future potential guests are using these reviews to determine their accommodation choice. See our post here.

Not only should tourism businesses be vigilant on monitoring guest online feedback, but should also be aware of online chatter from disgruntled employees.

Probably the most high profile example of online employee comments within the tourism industry in recent months was from's (ex)employees. Roamfree, which has lofty ambitions of becoming the "Google of the travel industry", sacked 50 workers in April this year.
Ex-employees, used on-line feedback sites with claims that were finding it tough to grow as fast as it had hoped in the internet travel industry and were missing sales targets.

Roamfree claimed that it had not been affected by the financial problems of major shareholder Tony Smith who was facing his multimillion-dollar losses from the MFS share collapse and subsequent property sell-off and that the layoffs were planned. See full news story here. have also had some negative feedback. In a recent online article on "How much do your co-workers earn," feedback was requested on: "Do you discuss pay with your co-workers?" (See full article here)

One employee replied:

"This is all true unless you work in the IT department of ALL of those wages are bottom of the barrel. Posted by: Sick and Tired of Being Ignored"

What can you do?

Use Google Alerts to monitor ALL online chatter about your motel.

As with negitive guest reviews, it's much better to react to these postings and show the world that you are 100% committed to front up to all aledged problems, rather than ignoring negitive feedback.

You would probably be advised not to rebuff your employees alegations too specifically or get personal, however you may wish to point out that you disagree with the employees version of their disgruntlement.

Your response should be primarily focused on assuring the reader that your motel is dedicated to good employee relations.