
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Motel proposal back on cards again

Long time moteliers and developers, Robin and Maree Winter are at it again!

Maree is a past president of the Motel Association of NZ (MANZ).

Good to see that the Winters have their next motel project in their sights at a time that many motel developments have been put on hold.

It is logical to most that a new motel would add value, enhance an area and would be a model neighbour. Hopefully the Winters will not be too bogged down with rigors of the RMA and will be able to proceed without unnecessary delay.

Timaru Herald
22 October 2008

A 16-UNIT motel is proposed for the corner of Evans Street and Beverley Road, a site occupied by two dilapidated residential units.

It is the same site where in 2005 Robin and Maree Winter proposed to build upmarket motels on the proviso trees blocking sea views on Caroline Bay were removed.

The Winter Trust has a resource consent hearing on Friday to consider planning issues associated with the proposal for a three-story, flat-roofed building. During the notification process, with 11 potentially affected neighbours, only one household opposed the application.

The opposing submission claimed Beverley Road traffic patterns and densities would be affected, the size of the building could cause shading and frost on Beverley Road and it would obstruct outlooks and light.

The Timaru District Council senior planner Stuart Hyde has recommended to the hearing committee that the effects on neighbours are likely to be no more than minor and subject to conditions planning permission be granted.

The planner's report said that in terms of size a residential building of similar proportions could be built without a resource consent. Mr Hyde said this area was somewhat isolated from neighbouring properties and was residential and commercial in character. The proposed motels would be about nine metres high and have 1090 square metres of floor space. The building site would be 374 square metres.

In 2005 the tree condition for development going ahead was not accepted by the district council and the motel development stalled. The site was put on the market last year.