
Monday, November 17, 2008

Please consider the environment before printing this email

Something has been annoying me for several months. There is a growing scurge out there that needs to be stopped in its tracks.

There is an increasing creep of enviro vanity messages that are appended to emails lately! You know the ones, they look like this:

Who are these self-appointed guardians of the environment that insist on digitally cluttering up in-boxes by adding this inane message at the end of every email they send?

I guess we should be grateful that those that use these naff enviro messages can be easily profiled. At the risk of generalising and being accused of pigeonholing, those that attach these insidious green messages are: smug, self-satisfied, self righteous, holier-than-thou, condescending, socialist pratts.

Do these enviro message users really think that a renewable resource such as pine trees need saving? Do they think that their email recipient is gullible and will suddenly have a change of heart and not press that print button? Do they think people they send emails to are so stupid that they need their guidance? Do they really think that they will be considered by others to be ground breaking eco-heros?

Frankly I don't need a message insinuating that I am some kind of inconsiderate abuser.

I hardly ever print out any email - but that's not the point. If I wanted to, then I would without any cause for guilt.