
Thursday, December 11, 2008

Clarkson's crusade against the caravan

We enjoy watching Top Gear. We like the boys-own antics, the copious burning of fossil fuels and the unapologetic passion for the motor car.

Jeremy Clarkson regularly destroys caravans on Top Gear and has been quoted as saying that "caravans are a disgraceful blot on the landscape and a nuisance on the roads..." We couldn't agree more!

Last year, the Caravan Society protested outside a show at the Birmingham NEC, handing out stickers saying ‘Hate Clarkson Love Caravans’. Jeremy's response? “What have caravanners got against Kelly Clarkson?”

The enlightened members of the public will be driving their cars between motels these holidays and not clogging up the highways and visualy polluting the scenery with dingy mean-spirited caravans.

The following video demonstrates the correct usage for a caravan: