
Monday, May 25, 2009

Motel Wake Up Call

Our friends at NZ Tour Map Travel Blog have written a post about the great bedside alarm clock prank. After being awoken one more time too many, a conspiracy theory has been surmised.
"The prank involves the setting of the hotels bedside alarm clock by the previous rooms occupant."
An unexpected alarm clock prematurely going off in guest rooms does happen and is a vexing problem. Believe me, this can cause great embarrassment for the motelier at check-out - hey the underlying deal with the guest is that we sell sleep!

Our staff are regularly reminded to check the alarm clock at every clean...but sometimes we can get caught out.

Is this a prank? Well, if it does happen, we suspect that this occurs very rarely.

The trouble with most alarm clocks is that if the power goes off the alarm will often be reset to midnight when re-powered. So, assuming the time gets reset (and the alarm is not) the guest can have a midnight rude awakening!