
Monday, May 4, 2009

The Rob Fyfe Interview

Air New Zealand is the largest player in the tourism industry and the viability and efficiencies of its operations is of vital importance. The recent Paul Holmes interview with Air New Zealand's Boss, Rob Fyfe was interesting on many levels.

Fyfe strongly suggested that the swine flu media hype has done “unnecessary damage” to New Zealand tourism.

It is too early to antisipate any major change in travel behavior due to the public's risk perceptions swine flu, however Fyfe conceded that Air New Zealand has some cancellations from Japan, but “we’re taking it in our stride so far”

Fyfe claims that Chinese tourists are returning to New Zealand after downturn late last year and the open border with Australia would improve tourism numbers.

Fyfe claims that Air New Zealand has to be greener than other airlines, but concedes will never be carbon neutral.

Interestingly, Fyfe appears to be comfortable with being 75% State owned.

Click HERE for the full video interview