
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Does NZ's adventure tourism industy need more regulation?

Prime Minister, John Key has announced a review of risk management and safety practices of adventure tourism operators following publicity of fatalities in river boarding last year and swing bridge operation this year.

The MSM are playing up to this story with sensationalist headlines: 'Tourism 'cowboys' face ban"

Calling for a review is the politically correct response to these tragedies, however New Zealand tourism operators will be nervously hoping that the review process will not result in unnecessary, knee-jerk regulation. 

The New Zealand Herald blog has asked the question: "Does NZ's adventure tourism industry need more regulation?" Not surprisingly the usual centralist suspects are responding with calls to regulate, however we are heartened with some well reasoned responses that are horrified at the prospect that NZ's Adventure Tourism will be turned into a sanitised Disney experience.

Follow the conversation HERE.