
Friday, October 23, 2009

The noble business of selling

Being a motelier, I love to sell. Nothing gives me more pleasure than to sell a room. I still enjoy the cut and thrust of the selling process and the adrenalin rush when a deal is done.

Why I publish this is blog is probably worthy of several posts delving into all sorts of psychobabble, however this blog is NOT about selling or making money.

There is a small component of this blog that advertises product with ads located on the right hand sidebar of this post. We only advertise products and companies that we enjoy a special relationship with.

Other ads on this blog are generated by Google AdSense that we have little control over. Somehow Google are able to cleverly target ads that are suited to our reader's interests by displaying specific ads that have some relation to the subject matter of our blog.

A reader contacted me the other day and jokingly wondered if we were running a brothel after reading our post: Calling all cougars. Google in its wisdom, were displaying various adds on dating and escort agencies. Maybe Google know more about our readers than we think!

Some bloggers refuse to display advertising on their blogs and prefer to have a clean unobstructed canvas to share their worldly views. We respect them for that.

...but deep down I am unashamedly a "trader". I can't help selling and enjoy that that special adrenalin rush when Google sends me another $USD100.00 cheque.

So after reading this post, please feel free to click on every Google Ad before you!