
Saturday, November 7, 2009

Al Gore Helping The Climate Change Debate?

The productivity of most of the world's countries, including New Zealand will be influenced by what climate change legislation America decides to impose upon its people. 

That is why we are following the progress of the Obama endorsed climate change bill in America with interest. The cap and trade bill proposes the reduction of carbon pollution output of 20 percent by 2020, from 2005 levels.

As the climate change bill in America stalls, we note the return of a familiar figure...

Expect to see more of carbon billionaire, Al Gore as he jets around the world making frequent  public appearances. We note that the media has greeted Al Gore's high profile 2nd-coming into the environmental arena somewhat more coolly this time around.  Al Gore, the self-styled high priest of climate change may be loosing creditability as the world starts to question some of his reasoning, self-interest and personal commitment.   

Ironically, a hypercritical and bloated Al Gore may assist in a backlash against environmental legislation as the world looses faith in the religion of climate change hysteria. 

Finally the masses may begin to understand that the biggest challenge we face is not from the myths of climate change, but from impositions that governments will place upon the world's producers.