
Friday, December 4, 2009

Motella Comment Moderation

OK, we have held back for as long as we can....Due to this blog being inundated with spam, we are now changing the way our dear readers can make comments. 

I guess we should be flattered that "Motella" is increasingly attracting spam comments as we grow in popularity - a victim of our own success ;-)

Don't worry, we will continue to make it as easy as possible to enter into a conversation with us and your comments will still be instantly posted.

At the bottom of every post there is a "Comments" link that can be clicked and you will be taken to a separate page where you can enter your worthy and considered feedback. 

You have the option of signing on with your Google account, OpenID, your Name/URL or Anonymously.

You will now have to make a word verification step before your comments can be posted and this should reduce the amount of spam that we have to delete.

Comments are always welcome - even if you don't agree with us! In fact we encourage all feedback. Where else can you enter into an online conversation about the New Zealand motel industry?

So, what are you waiting for? Go and try it out people!