
Sunday, January 17, 2010

Passengers Fom Hell Survey Results

The irony of trying to take a break....while all those annoying people you are trying to escape from take their holidays at the same time is not lost on

TripAdvisor asked their members to rate the worst airplane seat-mate nightmare. 

The results are in with 155,000 members happy to rate their traveling companion from hell.

The Top 5 are as follows:

Their kids kick your seat from takeoff to touchdown. But these parents might as well be miles away. 

This armrest hog's arms and knees invade your personal space. 

Sneezing, sniffling, and sweating, this guy should have a HAZMAT (hazardous material) sticker affixed to his lapel. 

From his divorce to his dental work, he's the tell-all talker - and you're the captive audience. 

Kimchi is delicious. So are egg salad and garlic. But 17 inches from your face? Really?