
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Tourism Industry Demands $97m Queens Wharf

Been busy at the motel this week and have decided to do some lazy blogging.

In a brief rest between bell rings, we discovered the AKT Blog (originally Auckland Trains Blog) that covers most transportation issues. 

We were interested in the discussion taking place about proposed cruise ship terminal in Auckland. The writer, Jon C doesn't necessarily assume the most common default position that the taxpayer should pay:
The tourism industry groups are stepping up their campaign for a cruise terminal in Auckland – but like the Ports of Auckland seems to expect the government (that’s you and me as taxpayers) to be paying. 

Tourism Industry Association Chief Executive Tim Cossar says the industry wants a world-class cruise ship terminal for Auckland that will meet the new Super City’s needs for the future, and emphasises that its preference is for the $97 million cruise ship facility and public open space on Queens Wharf.

He says the industry is not in favour of a short term option or temporary-fix facility that won’t meet the long term demands of the lucrative cruise market. READ MORE...