
Monday, March 8, 2010

Accommodation Chain Bylines

Accommodation marketing chains all have bylines that gives the traveling public a punchy insight into their point of difference.

Here's a selection from a few New Zealand chains:
  • Millennium Hotels - "Enjoy our world of hospitality"
  • Mainstay NZ Hotels - "As individual as you are"
  • Bella Vista Motels - "NZ's No.1 motel chain"
  • Scenic Circle Hotels - "100% NZ owned - Our country, our hotels"
  • Golden Chain - "The rest is easy"
  • Kiwi Holiday Parks - "The friendly place to stay"
  • Budget Motels - "Spend a night - not a fortune"
  • Top 10 Holiday Parks - "The great Kiwi stay"
Hmm...we think we can do better than that, so we've asked the Motella Marketing Department to come up with some inspiration.

The following 12 suggestions are the kind of byline that we would love to see used by an accommodation marketing chain - feel free to add some of your own: 

12. Because you deserve better than the back seat of some car.

11. With Monica Lewinsky as the spokeswoman: "Because some stains you want to keep"

10. If We'd Known You Were Staying All Night, We'd Have Changed the Sheets

9. You rented the room, now buy the video.

8. Sure, you could stay someplace nicer, but then you wouldn't have money left over for a hooker.

7. We'll leave the disinfectant for ya!

6. Hey, we're not the Ritz, but just try bringing your secretary there on *your* salary, pal!

5. As seen on "COPS"

4. Not just for nooners anymore.

3. Blurring the line between stains and avant garde sheet art since 1962!

2. Tiger Woods comes here... Why shouldn't you.

1. We put the "Ho" in "Hotel"