
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Motel Tariff Dispute?

I was talking to a fellow motelier the other day that was getting a few guests balking at his newly introduced tariff schedule. He considered that some guests were over-reacting and told me a story about a couple that recently checked-out of his motel.

After checking in late the night before, a husband and wife turned up at the motel reception early the next morning to settle their account for their brief overnight stay. 

The motelier  went through the usual pleasantries about the weather, asked how their stay went, where they were travelling to that day and hands them a bill for $350. 

The man explodes and demands to know why the charge is so high and tells the motelier although the motel was very pleasant, their brief stay was certainly not worth $350. 

The motelier calmly tells him that $350 is the standard rate and then explains that the motel has a lovely swimming pool and WiFi internet service that were available for the husband and wife to use.

"But we didn't use them", the man complains.

"Well, they are here, and you could have," explains the Motelier.

He goes on to explain they could have ordered a sumptuous cooked breakfast, enjoyed a drink from the mini-bar and stayed up all night watching the vast selection of Sky channels on their large screen LCD television. 

"But we didn't use those services," complains the man again.

"Well, we have them, and you could have", the motelier replies.

No matter what facility the motelier mentions, the man replies, "But we didn't use it!"

The motelier was unmoved, and eventually the man gives up and agrees to pay. He writes a cheque and gives it to the motelier. The motelier is surprised when he looks at the cheque."But sir," he says, "this check is only made out for $100."

"That's right," says the man. "I charged you $250 for sleeping with my wife."

"But I didn't!" exclaims the motelier.

"Well," the man replies, "she was here, and you could have!"