
Sunday, April 11, 2010

Bella Vista

The Bella Vista Motel Group has always fascinated us as it is the only New Zealand chain of motel properties to conform to a cookie-cutter model by all appearing the same.

For us, the look of the properties are somewhat bland and stuck in a time-warp. The guest rooms are compact, the chattels are  fairly basic and the decor looks like it has been cobbled together by a committee of middle-aged men.  Motels throughout the country continue to be built and added to the nationwide network with no apparent deviation from the original formula. Ironically, this has been the secret to their success so far.

The landscape of accommodation in New Zealand varies dramatically and can offer unwanted "surprises". With Bella Vista there are no surprises. When someone "just wants a bed for the night" for a little over $100.00 a Bella Vista Motel will fill the gap and provide a no-thrills franchise experience.

Another reason for the success of Bella Vista Group is the consistency and relative professionalism of their operators. Many seem to be untainted first time moteliers that have been indoctrinated into the Bella Vista way and are happy to receive paternal direction. They are very positive, loyal to the brand and down-to-earth enthusiastic folk.

We often wonder what will the properties will look like comparative to other accommodation offers in 5 -10 years time? Just maybe the attraction of a network of properties that depict a certain era will wain as time marches on and guest demands change? Hard to tell, however we can't deny that up until now the formula works!

After some division within the Bella Vista Motel Group, we were interested to read that they have contracted NZ Motel Marketing Ltd to provide a marketing and central reservations service.

This will involve:
"...the appointment of a Sales and Marketing Manager, development of corporate and international travel trade business, expansion of online capability and the installation of new reservations software."
NZ Motel Marketing Ltd will manage the largest nationwide network of a little over 100 self contained and serviced accommodation properties that includes:
New Zealand Luxury Motels 21 four star plus to five star motel properties.
New Zealand Apartments  53 Apartment style properties.
The Bella Vista Group will add 27 budget four star motel properties.
We are curious to follow how a strata of properties with differing accommodation types and quality standards will be marketed.  NZ Motel Marketing Ltd has previously marketed higher-end inventory to international travel agents at events such as TRENZ and sales missions to UK, Europe, US and Australia. 

The main marketing focus has previously been on travel wholesalers offshore and inbound tour operators.  This is all very exciting stuff, however for the Bella Vista Group especially, a vibrant cost-effective domestic referral program should continue to be a focus in order to give an acceptable return to their operators.

We wish them the best!