
Friday, April 9, 2010

Has Tourism New Zealand Shuned Kiwi OTAs?

Gareth Pearce from Kiwi owned Online Travel Agent, commented on our post yesterday: Joins With Tourism New Zealand. 

Understandably, Gareth  is interested in the relationship between Aussie owned OTA, and Tourism New Zealand that have regularly teamed up to promote New Zealand accommodation inventory.

Although, Gareth responded in our comments section, we think it is worthy to post his observations up front to promote further discussion (and maybe a response from TNZ;-)): 
"Hi Motella!

Interesting comments you have made - in particular regarding why TNZ are not partnering with a Kiwi owned OTA.

In each of the past two years has contacted Tourism New Zealand and advised them that we would like to be involved in a tender process to partner with the organization. On both occasions we have been given the assurance that we would have the opportunity to compete for this upcoming year.

From your post it appears that TNZ has made a decision already to partner with Wotif without any consultation or communication with any NZ based OTA. I certainly have not received anything.

If market reach is the only reason that TNZ partner with Wotif then yes, they would have an advantage with Wotif having a rather large internal newsletter subscriber base in Australia. But it begs the point, why does TNZ not allow other companies to view the criteria and pitch for the opportunity?

It is not known what arrangement Wotif has with TNZ but for Wotif to secure the opportunity again this year, the splashbacks must be pretty good.

I'm not saying that TNZ is in a profit share arrangement with Wotif, but for there to be no opportunity for any other NZ based OTA then that shows a complete lack of transparency by our national organization.

I'm not one to moan or groan as this gets us nowhere, and I personally do not have a problem with TNZ using a large company like Wotif to assist in its marketing, however I do have a problem when the same opportunity is not opened up to others within the industry. This just seems to me to be a big secret deal.

Maybe TNZ would like to use your forum to advise your readers why exactly they have chosen to partner with Wotif and what TNZ receive as part of the arrangement.

Maybe we could have made a bid that made more use of traditional media such as radio, print & PR rather than just their own internal database and their 1,394 Facebook fans & 2,198 twitter fans? We'll never know now will we as TNZ have already made that decision.

Open for discussion I guess."