
Saturday, April 24, 2010

Ugly New Zealand

Invercargill's urban sheik

From the pages of the Dominion Post today we learn that not all academics are precious, boring swots. A lecturer at Otago University's Design Studies Department, Ralf Hebecker has been discovered possessing a dark sense of humour and a natural talent for taking the p*ss.

Ralf's blog, Ugly New Zealand takes an alternative look at New Zealand landscapes:
"… the blog with New Zealand photos that everybody else would delete immediately. Our mission is to collect the ugliest, most boring, most appalling and plainly dull landscape photography possible. A few urban shots will also be in the mix. Everything goes, as long as it is really, really, really ugly. Please feel heartily invited to write me a mail if you think you have photos that qualify. Ralf Hebecker, lecturer at Design Studies, Otago University."
The blog is a celebration of the mundane and quirkiness of Kiwi landscapes and culture. Some of the depicted scenes aren't necessarily "ugly". In a round-about sort of way the blog promotes our uniqueness and makes the viewer appreciate the stunning, abundant urban and natural landscapes not featured on the blog that we take for granted.

The focus of the blog have been mostly restricted to the bleak urban landscapes of the lower South Island. Unfortunately with the vast amount of material still available in this region there is probably little chance of any movement north;-) 

For a bit of weekend indulgement, we suggest that you head over to Ugly New Zealand and check it out.  
Dunedin's roadside architecture