
Monday, May 3, 2010 Change Sides

Australian Online Travel Agent (OTA), have become masters of creating cost effective accommodation promotions without committing vast marketing budgets to traditional media.

Wotif's latest promotion strategy appears to be leveraging partnerships with major public tourism promotion organisations. And why wouldn't they? These organisations are awash with taxpayer money that can be extracted by innovative private enterprise.

Fresh from of partnering with Tourism New Zealand to lure Australians to New Zealand, in an ironic twist Wotif have now partnered with Tourism Queensland in a promotion to lure Kiwis to Australia. 

It would appear what Wotif giveth they can also taketh away.

"The 'Land of the Long White Beach" campaign will offer accommodation for up to 50 percent off on the Sunshine Coast and Fraser Coast that begins this week and runs until 9 May.

Should the Kiwi tourism industry feel somewhat aggrieved? 

Well not really - there were some concerns expressed on the process used by Tourism New Zealand in choosing Wotif over a New Zealand owned OTA in previous partnerships, however most Kiwi tourism operators seemed to be supportive of the joint marketing efforts to encourage the flow of Australian tourists to New Zealand.

Using consistent principles it would be difficult to criticise Wotif's latest marketing partnership with Tourism Queensland. In fact it would be naive to think that Wotif would not partner with other competing tourism organisations.

In hindsight, perhaps Tourism New Zealand should have attempted to negotiate a trade restriction window with Wotif in return for support in previous promotions?