
Friday, July 2, 2010

Motel Life Cycle

Unusually I've been a bit too busy with the day job to share my pithy observations.

Trade at the motel has been steady and we have been playing a complicated game of chess separating our guests from tradesman that are halfway through a rigorous makeover of our rooms. So far everyone appears to be happy and playing nicely together.

I'm off today to visit my brother and sister-in-law that can't hardly wait to begin parenthood and have decided to attempt giving birth 6-weeks earlier than scheduled. Typical of my brother's theatrical style, the birthing procedure started with an emergency chopper ride for him and his wife to Hawkes Bay. Nothing has emerged yet, so I trust all will go well.

While I am away checking out baby developments in Hawkes Bay, I will also be able to pick up my son for the end of term at his boarding school.

Unfortunately things at the other end of the life cycle are playing out with my motel manager at the bedside of his dying mother. This will have an inevitable end and I trust all will go as well as it can.

Meanwhile, motel guests still keep coming, the phone still rings, emails need to be responded to and staff need to be organised.

It's always a challenge for the front of house to remain serene and orderly while the back of house is in chaos.

UPDATE: 3 July 2010

As predicted, my manager sadly lost his mother yesterday after a long illness and our sympathies and thoughts are with him.

On the same day my sister-in-law gave birth to wee Baxter. He is somewhat premature and only weighs-in at 1.5 kgs, however he is a good looking fellow and perfectly formed. Baby and brother appear to be coping well;-)