
Friday, August 13, 2010

Will "Balconing" be the next motel/hotel craze?

Being a professional socially responsible blog, we do not like to encourage unseemly activities by guests staying in motels (Cue Tui ad).

However, last year we exposed a phenomenon occurring behind closed hotel and motel doors - Bed Jumping. That's right, the crazy antics of guests taking photos of one another mid-flight as they jump on motel/hotel beds and sharing these images on the internet!

Earlier this year, we discovered a new world-wide phenomenon occurring at motels and hotels that we predicted would grow in popularity - Balcony Diving! 

Many multi-floor motel/hotel buildings tend to conveniently nestle close to a pool and this mixed with an exhibitionist guest accompanied with a camera wielding accomplice can produce great web viral video - much like this one: 

And this one:

Unfortunately, one of the consequences of guests leaping from a great height (usually after consuming large quantities of alcohol) is that they tend to regularly maim themselves.

We see that The Guardian has reported:
"The number of balcony accidents is already triple that of previous summers, with hotel owners saying there seems to be a growing craze for balcony dares and local media pointing to a series of internet videos labelled "balconing".
As we head towards warmer climes in New Zealand, accommodation operators of multi-floor buildings should brace themselves for guests frequently hurtling themselves off guest room balconies;-)