
Thursday, September 9, 2010

Business As Usual For Christchurch Motels

We see on Facebook that the Christchurch Motel Association (CMA) are asking for assistance - Forget about sending off a Red Cross package or writing out a cheque.

Christchurch moteliers are a bunch of hard nosed, pragmatic folk that are soldiering on under adverse conditions. They have suggested that the best assistance that can be given is to encourage people to still visit Christchurch. The CBD is being cleared up and for the majority of Christchurch it is "business as usual" so please send guests to Christchurch. Spread the word Christchurch is open for business and the CMA members have a bed for you.

Although news reports are focusing on what has been damaged, demolished and closed, we see that Christchurch & Canterbury Tourism were quick to get the word out that: 
The best assistance you can give businesses in Christchurch is to continue trading with them.