
Thursday, September 9, 2010 using traditional media to become edgy

Part of the unique story about the stratospheric rise of Online Travel Agent, has been their cost effective use of the internet and word of mouth to promote their services. Generally little investment has been made in the Mainstream Media.

Along with other OTAs,'s promotional philosophy appears to be changing with a television promotion HERE and more use of newspaper advertising and radio for generic branding.

The online travel space is becoming crowded and extremely competitive. Ironically there appears to be an increased investment in traditional media to stand out. With the assistance of the MSM, are positioning themselves to the public as a brand that has a cheeky and fun with a spontaneous personality.

A recent example was following Labor's election win, when seized the opportunity to express themselves with a full page ad in The Australian with a tagline: "Enough about seats! Let’s talk beds."

Apparently the ad is the first in what will be a series of edgy topical generic branding initiatives: