
Sunday, October 31, 2010

The ladies love a man with a mo

The month formally known as November has now become "Movember" and is almost upon us!

We have been a keen supporter of the Movember and will partake in this year's campaign by cultivating facial foliage that much to the indignation of Mrs Motella, will steadily take on a life of its own.

You will note that our Motella alter-ego has been adorned with the "trucker"and "soul patch" to provide inspiration along the way.

The reaction of our motel guests has always been extremely supportive and positive. It's a beautiful man moment when a fellow Mo-bro gives a nod and a wry grin in salute. Movember is a great fundraiser. It's about men having fun, taking the p*ss, celebrating manliness and raising much needed funds and awareness for men’s health.

Unlike our woman-folk, men do not dwell on health issues. Nor should we, however during the 30-days of Movember, many men will pause briefly and think about the health of their fathers, their sons and themselves. They can reflect on the tragedy that more than 3,000 men in New Zealand will be diagnosed with prostate cancer and 1 in 10 men will experience depression in their lifetime.

We urge you to join us and celebrate being a man, enjoy the fellowship of like-minded men and proudly wear your commitment to your manhood on your upper lip!

Fellow Mo-Bros and Mo-Sistas needn't sprout facial fluff if they don't wish to, but can still show commitment by joining us and donating to a worthy cause Click: HERE.