
Monday, October 11, 2010

We're Back! - Almost...

We are finally back at the motel and busy catching up after an extended break over the school holidays. 

Taking a regular break in the motel game is necessary for the sanity, however it takes a lot of planning before and some time after to attend to matters neatly piled up by our motel minders. 

We have traveled a lot of kms and have talked to many moteliers and other fellow business owners. We will post on our findings later this week... 

Our household is about to lose the boisterous activities of my son as I hit the road again today to deposit him safely back at his boarding school. Today, my daughter has her first day back at intermediate school and left this morning happy to return. We are extremely lucky that she has been assigned a good teacher in the lottery that is state education. 

With the return of school, the rhythm of the motel will change once again.

Looking forward to returning to the blogosphere, however you may need to play amongst yourselves for a while as we clear our desk!