
Monday, January 31, 2011

How Much is A Negative Accommodation Review Worth?

There is no doubt that negative online reviews can put a substantial dent in an accommodation provider's online-cred and this can translate over to reduced business.

The majority of consumers are now spend time online researching accommodation options via multiple websites before committing to a reservation. Many consumers as part of their online quest to find that perfect accommodation choice, value the opinions of those that went before them and read guest reviews. So if punters are looking and not booking a certain accommodation option because of crappy reviews, what is the potential loss for that accommodation provider?

According to the Rees Hotel and Luxury Apartments in Queenstown the cost of negative reviews is "almost $245,000 over two years."

 The story of negative reviews that were posted to the wrong hotel on the Travelocity website makes interesting reading. Maybe the hotel's back-of-the-envelope claim of $245K is somewhat overstated for effect, however this can serve as a heads-up to accommodation providers to be extra vigilant by regularly checking what guest review sites are saying about them.