
Friday, February 4, 2011

Downloading Hotel Porn

We say good on Labour MP Shane Jones for his elevation in "Fail Goof's" new shadow cabinet. We appreciated that Shane "Tugger" Jones valiantly assisted the economic fortunes of the accommodation industry last year by "single-handedly" availing himself of hotel extras.

However this year, we expect that Jones will be ripping up his Marriott Hotel loyalty card after the hotel chain recently announced that they will be stripping skin flicks from guest room TV screens.

Marriott is the largest U.S. hotel chain will no longer offer in-room adult movies. In a statement, Marriott took a paternal approach to porn:
"It is our practice to keep adult content out of the reach of children and unavailable to any adult who chooses not to view it.”
The accommodation industry's dirty little secret is that most major hotels offer adult pay movies. Why do they do this? Simply, because their guests demand it AND it supposedly generates huge profits! It has been reported that up to 50% of the hotel guests purchase the material and it is estimated that between 70 -80% of the hotel's in-room profit come from adult movie viewing.

However guest demand is rapidly changing as the source of porn transfers from the hotel in-room movie screen to guests' personal laptops.

Although Marriott appears to be taking taking the high moral ground it has been suggested that they wouldn't have pulled porn if hotel pay-per-view content consumption wasn't declining. If they were serious about promoting their own brand of wholesome christian family values they would have introduced a McDonalds style porn-blocking software across their hotel guest Wi-Fi networks - we don't see them doing this anytime soon!

With MP's expenses now more transparent it will be interesting to see how many GBs of data Shane Jones will be routinely purchasing from accommodation providers to feed his unfortunate habit;-)