
Saturday, March 19, 2011


We stumbled across an interesting initiative that has been put together by a proactive group of Kiwi bloggers. 
Blog4NZ is reaching out to the international travel blogging community to generate positive Kiwi travel related social media content to counter the bad publicity following the devastating earthquake in Christchurch on February 22.
Bloggers and travel websites around the world are being urged to publish content between March 21-23 2011 that gives the underlying message to the world that New Zealand is "open for business."
The incentive is not just the glory of being published, but over $10,000 in travel prizes to say thank you to bloggers.
In collaboration with key tourism groups, Blog4NZ is being organised by a small group of innovative Kiwi travel bloggers that include:
Jim McIntosh from Holes in My Soles
John Reese from the French Way Travel Blog
Craig Martin from the Indie Travel Podcast
Dan Roberts from Travel Generation

Sounds like interesting concept - we will be curious about the quality of the incentive based content that will be generated by random contributors. 
Go check-out Blog4NZ for further information.