
Monday, March 14, 2011

Celebrating Human Achievement

At Motella HQ, we have started planning for Human Achievement Hour that has once again coincidentally clashed with this year's insidious Earth Hour. 

Naturally, we will not be joining the hippies, enviro-activists and other associated loonies around the world that will smugly sit in darkness for one hour on Saturday 26 March for Earth Hour in order to highlight the confused ideals of man-made global warming.

Inevitably, part of celebrating Human Achievement Hour will mean ridiculing those blow-hard, hypercritical eco-show-offs that will take part in Earth Hour. We love what the Ayn Rand Institute wrote about these folk:
"Participants spend an enjoyable sixty minutes in the dark, safe in the knowledge that the life-saving benefits of industrial civilization are just a light switch away... Forget one measly hour with just the lights off. How about Earth Month... Try spending a month shivering in the dark without heating, electricity, refrigeration; without power plants or generators; without any of the labour-saving, time-saving, and therefore life-saving products that industrial energy makes possible."
Last year as fools sat in self-righteous delusional darkness, we managed to bathe our motel in light with two hired NIGHTSHIFTER 4000 self contained lighting towers. Each unit was powered by a CAT diesel engine powering 4 x 1000 Watt high performance metal halide lamps.

Unfortunately lighting towers are at a premium this year due to demand in Christchurch however we still intend to do our bit by turning on every light source we can muster to ensure that we confront anti-human globalised gullibility. 

While ecofascists return to the Dark Ages, we will be celebrating advancement of human prosperity with Human Achievement Hour on Saturday 26 March. Light represents man's ability to think, reason and change his environment to suit his needs.

We will be celebrating the life-saving benefits of an industrial civilization that is symbolised by man's ability to turn darkness into light. We reckon this is worth celebrating...