
Saturday, March 26, 2011

Celebrating Human Achievement

After another busy week at Motella HQ, we are today scurrying around with some last minute touches in preparation for this evening's celebratory activities.

It's today that we honour Human Achievement Hour from 8.30pm that has once again coincidentally clashed with this year's masterbatery Earth Hour. 

Human Achievement Hour celebrates man's ability to think, reason and change his environment to suit his needs. Now is the best time to be alive and 2010 was another year of human endeavour that gave us flying cars! Jet packs! Lasers that zap malaria-carrying mosquitoes! Check out the year's biggest (and coolest) breakthroughs in science, technology and the arts accoring to Time Magazine.

Celebrating Human Achievement Hour will mean turning all available lights *ON* and ridiculing those blow-hard, hypercritical eco-show-offs that allow silly bint "celebrities" like Keisha Castle-Hughes to think for them. We will be taking particular note at the irony of business owners that will be sitting in delusional darkness while grandstanding hypercritical social responsibility....for one hour.

Sadly this year we are unable to hire our usual diesel powered lighting towers due to demand in Christchurch however being public spirited we still intend to do our bit. We took a trip down to Bunnings earlier this week and have picked up several of these:
"WARRIOR HALOGEN WORK LIGHT. These handy portable units come complete with carry handle and the 500 watt halogen bulbs are included."
Our motel will once again be a beacon of light ensuring that we confront anti-human globalised gullibility while celebrating the advancement of human prosperity.

Now that's something really worth celebrating;-)