
Monday, May 9, 2011

Sex in self-storage

Even in hard economic times the humble motel has always been the default option for those unscrupulous cheating cads that want a discrete time with their lover.

For motels, it would appear that this titivating market is now sadly under threat.

Hard times have apparently hit the adultery industry and cash-strapped cheating couples are now looking for cheaper digs. The latest trend in Briton is to shun the allure of a cheap motel for the economy of self-storage units. 

Cost has apparently become a major concern. With self-storage units running at around £60 a month, cold concrete floors and spartan conditions doesn't seem to turn off those miserly Brits if it means saving a few quid.

Maybe the motel industry needs to keep ahead of this trend and should start clearing their back sheds of cleaning chemicals, carpet off-cuts and those old toasters that no longer work. The practicality of renting out a baron shed and simply hosing-out between rentals has a certain appeal.