
Monday, July 18, 2011

Tackling the Subject of Review Sites

I have been downloading a few webinars lately as I've discovered that the web is full of timely informative broadcasts in this medium that can be downloaded and listened to via computer or on-the-go via my iPhone.

Our friends at the Tourism Industry Blog are using webinars to connect with their followers and stimulate interest. I have unceremoniously lifted their latest effort that I think is worthwhile sharing and have pasted them below.

In an increasingly digital world where consumer reviews are easily broadcast and many accommodation decisions are being made after critiquing feedback, the thorny issue of online reviews needs to be openly discussed and understood by accommodation providers. It never ceases to amaze me the amount of accommodation providers that ignore the importance of review sites and believe that they can simply "opt out."

Genivieve Atkinson from the New Zealand based accommodation review site Fossick and host James Hacon from Kiwi Dreams do a great job of articulating what should be commonly held beliefs within the accommodation industry: