
Thursday, July 14, 2011

Time Out in Nelson

I see that those innovative folk from the Nelson Branch of the Motel Association of NZ have banded together and are offering accommodation deals to enable Christchurch residents to enjoy some much needed time-out.

Local web design company, Digital Promotions have produced a fresh and breezy website that gives prospective punters some easy to follow offers from participating Nelson moteliers.

I doubt if outspoken mayor, Wayne Brown that was awarded an esteemed "Motella Blog Plonker of the Week" will approve, however I reckon the promotion's rationale is upfront and self-evident.

I congratulate the Nelson moteliers for being proactive.

Check-out the Time-out in Nelson website HERE.

At a recent meeting of the Nelson Motel Association executive, the effects of the Christchurch Earthquakes on the residents was discussed.

The executive decided to canvas their members to ascertain what could be done to help.

The result was almost immediate with 28 member motels agreeing to offer special rates to enable residents to take time out in Nelson.

Other Local Tourism Operators have supported these accommodation offers with a range of special deals.

With sponsorship a website has been launched to outline these offers.
Any assistance you could provide in advising the people of Canterbury of these offers would be very much appreciated.
Rob Harris

President - MANZ - Nelson Branch

We have it on very good authority that the "Time Out" promotional offers by Nelson moteliers will be gladly extended to those folk domiciled outside of the Christchuch region and needing some "time out."