
Thursday, August 4, 2011

Are you willing to give up sex for your mobile phone?

How many of you are willing to give up one of life's pleasures—such as coffee, chocolate or even sex instead of your mobile phone?

According to a recent survey in America, one-third of all respondents would be more willing to give up sex for a week than their mobile phone. 

Of the respondents who indicated they would be more willing to give up sex than their mobile phone for a week, 70% were women.

54% of all respondents would be more willing to give up exercise for a week than their mobile phone.

55% of respondents would be more willing to give up caffeine for a week than their mobile phone, 63% would be more willing to give up chocolate, and 70% would be willing to forego alcohol.

One in five respondents are more willing to go shoeless than phoneless for a week.

iPhone users (43%) were more likely to say they'd go a week without shoes than Android users (27%) or BlackBerry users (25%).
(Click for a larger image)

 Source: Click HERE