
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

iPhone 5 Frenzy Alert

Apple fan-boys are counting down for the unveiling of the iPhone 5 at Apple HQ on Tuesday 4 October in Cupertino, California. 

For us Kiwis that operate ahead of time in a different part of the world, we'll need to tune-in from 6am tomorrow to see the first official release of Apple's latest consumer object of desire.

I'm loving the build-up. There has been  the ongoing specification leaks and the now obligatory claim that yet another prototype has been uplifted from a bar. There will be "unprecedented" scenes of excitable Apple disciples forming orderly ques and camping outside stores. The media will be faithfully reporting the buying frenzy and rabid environmentalists that will be pouring cold-water over rampant consumerism. All of this will ensure that Apple will move over 100 million units of the new iPhone release in 2012. 

Those of us wannabe geeks that have been following the build-up all know that the screen will be bigger, the phone will be thinner with a more powerful processor, the camera will be better and there will be a vastly improved voice-recognition feature. Do we need or desire these features? not, however the iPhone5 is new and improved and will look sensational! 

Luckily for those folk that don't have time to pour over every last detail, those weird and quirky Taiwanese folk from Next Media Animation have managed to give us a heads-up with an exclusive preview.