
Friday, March 30, 2012

Who's participating in Earth Hour?

So who's participating in Earth Hour this Saturday?

A quick troll around the internet would indicate that this year's event is going to be fairly low-key. Businesses willing to grandstand their social commitment to saving the planet appear to be thin on the ground with only the odd restaurant and hotel advertising the default promotional option of candle-lit dining.

The Tauranga City Council seem to be the only local authority generously willing to invest ratepayers funds into supporting Earth Hour and are ironically using the Rena Disaster as qualification - I wonder how this will go down as a tourism promotion?

With Fairfax as a founding partner of Earth Hour and their enthusiasm to chase triple-bottom line objectives, you can be sure that media outlets will be cutting and pasting supportive gushing reports on environmental evangelism over the weekend.

Earth Hour is also a fantastic platform for blow-hard, hypercritical eco-show-off "celebrities" to spout eco-slogans in an attempt to raise their fading profiles. 

I just feel sorry for the hapless guests in New Zealand that will be checking-in to an accommodation chain that are promoting the following added-guest-benefits during Earth Hour.
It makes you wonder if these quirky and cool conditions are more permanent for hotels in North Korea?