
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Keeping Up With Predicted Demand?

In an ever changing market it's difficult for a motelier to keep up.

According to the Tourism Industry Association New Zealand, operators must adapt quickly to take full advantage of the stamped of tourists predicted from China and India. In anticipation, I've learnt a few choice phrases in various Chinese and Indian dialects and have gone around the motel adding multilingual signage.

I've also got a pile of newly printed multilingual guest compendiums and breakfast forms are ready to be handed out at a moments notice. In my back shed I've got 40 rice cookers that are still in their original box after an impromptu trip to Briscoes. I've yet to purchase any Indian cooking utensils, but I may wait until they are on sale...

Now I learn that the imminent legalisation of same-sex marriage in New Zealand could release a wave of inbound same-sex couple tourism. Not being one to sit still, I headed straight back to Briscoes and filled my car will mirrors of various sizes and multi-coloured scatter cushions that I'll be using to tart up the decor of my units. On the way home called into The Warehouse to stock up my DVD library with popular show tunes movies.

Next I'll be getting on the phone to Sky and replacing all those pesky Sport channels with The Living Channel and E!