
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Jasons Unboxed

The folks at Jasons Travel Media have responded to our post, Jasons - First To Hit The Streets.

Jasons point out a few changes they've made to their accommodation guide that is being unboxed and distributed by accommodation advertisers at the moment.

The Jasons Team said...
It's fantastic to read that you are as excited about opening a box of new books as we are, and that you welcome the publication of the new Jasons Motels, Hotels and Apartments guide.

This year we’ve spent a lot of time listening; listening to our advertisers and listening to travellers about how to make this guide an even better resource for everyone. It means that the guide has had a number of changes (some of which you’ve mentioned, but I hope you don’t mind us taking this opportunity to point out a few things you didn’t).

  • Advertising templates have been designed to be easier to scan for our bold listings and the template ads.
  • Design and editorial overhaul for the regional and town editorial. This includes a chance for people in the industry to engage with the reader with the Regional Highlights contributed by advertisers, Jasons staff and our social media 'likers'.
  • We’ve gone from an alpha-organised guide to a regional-organised guide.
  • Photo-based front cover – which you’ve mentioned. We surveyed over 400 travellers to help us find the cover layout that is more likely to get picked up by the right people.

We love it, and anecdotal evidence suggests that it's already getting a strong and welcome response from those who’ve found it at the display stands at the airport.

If any of you would like to add helpful tips for your region for next year’s edition, please let us know here:

Best wishes for a busy summer season to all!