
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Memories of a motel ban

Photo courtesy of

In a desperate bid to gain traction, Labour has appealed to bewildered fractions of Kiwi's that are burdened with entrenched xenophobia and entitlement.

Labour's recently announced policy to ban those nasty, foreigners from buying existing houses is a masterstroke and will appeal to the left with nostalgic memories of regulation, protectionism and high taxes.

Labour's Trever Mallard is enthusiastically bullish about his party's new policy of selectively banning folk that have the misfortune of being domiciled in certain locations.

Trever has even taken to Twitter using a nationalistic hashtag #itsourcountry in support:

So is this the same Trevor Mallard that rallied against selective preference by directing his wrath at an infamous Palmerston North motelier that chose to ban the good folk of Wainuiomata from staying at his motel?