
Monday, November 10, 2008

NZ Business Wins!

The Motel Industry has to be pleased with the election result on Saturday.

The sisterhood has been evicted, the Green's have been neutered and the Winston First circus has packed up and gone fishing. That's got to be great news!

I liked the enthusiasm and joy that John Key displayed in his victory speech at Sky City. It seemed strange having an elected PM on stage with his wife and children - I liked that. The story of being inspired as a kid as he rode bike from his state house past those of wealthier kids is sterling stuff. The potential, success and value of the "individual" was mentioned more than once - it's language we haven't heard in a while...

OK, lets not get to carried away - the Nats have secured a win on a mandate of (limited) change. It remains to be seen if John Key can make the changes that are necessary without scaring the horses. We will wait and see if our new PM has the courage and what influence Act will have ...