
Saturday, November 8, 2008

The "Motella" provisional pole result

The final update of the "Motella Party Vote" poll...

National and Act have consolidated their position, Labour had a slight gain and the Green Party has dipped somewhat. To highlight the intellect of our readership, no one had the courage to vote for the Maori Party or Winston First.

Our provisional results are:

Act 8%
Green 2%

Labour 7%

Maori 0%

National 82%

NZ First 0%

Votes so far: 67

Days left to vote: 1

Who should you vote for? This depends on your philosophy - Is it government or the individual that creates wealth and jobs?

If you believe in Nanny State then vote for a Labour / Green block. If you trust and believe in yourself, you will be voting for a National led government with a strong Act presence.

Happy voting!