
Monday, June 8, 2009

Our One Is Bigger Than Your One

New Zealand's dream of becoming an iconic South Pacific destination for lycra lovers has been dealt a serious setback by a Johnny-come-lately announcement from Tasmania.

We are amused by the "vision" of Australian Premier, David Bartlett to build a 450km dedicated cycleway from Smithton to Hobart.

Hang on, haven't us Kiwis already announced that we were going to corner the snail-trail market?

Apparently Mr Bartlett has other ideas and believes that "Tasmania can become an iconic destination for cyclists." The shrewd little devil has used all the the usual qualifications to promote the project: climate change, health and wellbeing and tourism. Bugger!

The Australian Federal Government has $40 million set aside for cycling projects and further substantial funding can be raised by councils.

In the race as to who can spend more public money and build the most impressive cycleway, we appear to have an advantage.

The Fush n Chups blog respectfully points out that John Key’s one is longer than David Barlett’s. What is not clear at this stage though, is which one has the bigger width?