
Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Power of Social Networking

Being part of Generation X is not all it's cracked up to be. We are known as the "forgotten Generation." We are like the annoying middle child in the family stuck in no-man's land between the more favored older Baby Boomers and the younger Generation Y .

One of the trending bits of media doing the rounds of online social media at the moment appealed to me and probably many other Generation Xers that had to endure an era of 1980s music that was at best embarrassing. How could a man dressed in canary yellow, baggy parachute pants ever be cool!?!

A viral video that is promoting MC Hammer's entry into the reality show business has succeeded as an extremely successful promotion.

Picture a typical scene in a clothing store that is suddenly turned upside down by gatecrashing silly-pants wearing performers that have created a classic guerrilla advertising ambush.

You may not like MC Hammer or reality television, however by the power of social networking you now know that a new reality show is pending and you will now second glance any further mention in the mainstream media. God forbid, some of you may even watch it!