
Thursday, August 27, 2009

Celebrate Oil Day!

While the politically correct grandstand insidious causes such as Earth Day, at Motella we like to give credit where credit is due and inject a bit of reality.

The accommodation and tourism industries run on oil. The economic viability of our business relies on the unrestricted delivery of this product and the freedoms of those that use its vital energy source for transportation.

Today we will celebrate the unrestrained joy of travel, to move between borders without impediment or environmental guilt, to sample and interact with different cultures and celebrate the achievements of humankind.

Today we will be celebrating the achievements of the petrochemical industry that has helped raise living standards to the levels we enjoy today.

This afternoon I will be spending some reflective spiritual time as I take the 1.5kms drive to the bank with the widows down listening to the burble of a V8 combustion engine.

Submitted by Ayn Rand Center
27 August 2008

WASHINGTON, D.C., August 26, 2009--Tomorrow, August 27, marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of the oil industry in the United States.

According to Alex Epstein, an analyst with the Ayn Rand Center, “Nearly every item in your life would either not exist or be far more expensive without oil; there is simply no comparable source of practical, portable energy.

“Yet today people increasingly label oil a pollutant that damages rather than enhances our lives and, even worse, an addiction--likening our consumption of oil to a junkie’s self-destructive heroin habit. This is profoundly ignorant, not to mention unfair to the petroleum industry that tirelessly innovates, year after year, to find more oil and extract it more efficiently.

“In previous generations, the birth of the oil industry was celebrated, and deservedly so. Oil has sustained and enhanced billions of lives for more than 150 years by providing superior, affordable, ultra-convenient energy--and is as vital today as ever.

“Today, though, we should be celebrating petroleum and the industry, past and present, that uses it to work miracles in our lives.”

Source: Click HERE