
Sunday, November 1, 2009

No Happy ending at Hamilton Motel?

What was the best story in today's Sunday papers?

Well, it has to be the one about the activities in a "Hamilton motor inn."

So, what is it about Hamilton motels that makes people throw caution to the wind? Our recent post HERE was about Sue Erasmus, a self-proclaimed business woman that checks into Hamilton motels and interacts with a steady stream of male visitors her motel unit with the curtains drawn. 

Now we are not easily taken in with titillating , gossipy stories in the MSM. After all we are a quality blog;-) however today we were intrigued to read about further alleged interactions in Hamilton motel rooms.

Hamilton based, Lisa Lewis has had a high profile career as a streaker, naked newsreader, stripper and now a $1,200 an hour prostitute. Apparently she uses Hamilton motels on an hourly basis as her place of work.

It has been reported that the wife of a "high profile sportsman" wants Lewis to refund the $3,000 that her hapless husband paid her for interludes. So, why is the wife with 6-children going into bat for her husband? Well, apparently the liaisons in a Hamltion motor inn did not have a "happy ending."

This has the makings of a great Tui - Yeah Right billboard.