
Friday, December 11, 2009

How did MANZ perform this year?

The nature of the motel industry dictates that moteliers are a bunch of pragmatic business operators that focus on the day to day activities of their motel. When it comes to wider issues of industry standards and government legislation most moteliers are content to sit back and watch without engaging.

The trade association the Motel Association of New Zealand (MANZ) fills the void and is the voice of the motel industry. An effective inspirational trade association can be beneficial to any grouping of businesses operating in the same environment.

We get many emails from a hard core of our dear readers that are resonably opionated and passionate about the motel industry that use us as a sounding board to vent opinions and sometimes frustrations.

From an idea a reader communicated to us recently we want you to write to us at and give us a report card on how MANZ has preformed over the last 12-months.

We wish to hear what benefits the MANZ has delivered your motel business, the quality of the communication and the advocacy done on your behalf.

We hope this can be used as a catalyst of some positive debate.

We will post "The end-of-year MANZ Report card" from a collation of your best comments before Xmas.

So, how has MANZ performed this year? We look forward to your contribution!