
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Motel Story Competition

How remiss of us!

We launched  the "Motel Story Competition" on Friday and have been enjoying reading the entries to date without aucknowledging all that have contributed - thank you!

It doesn't have to be an epic, just a few lines about that impossible guest, the rude receptionist, strange nocturnal guest habits or that embarrassing drunken escapade... (names can be withheld to protect the innocent).

Simply tell us about a humorous occurrence that happened to you either as a guest or as an operator in a motel and the best yarn will win a sparkling copy of the brilliant new book: AA 101 Must-Do Weekends in time for Xmas.

To be in to win a great prize and having the honour of becoming the innaurgral "Motel Story Competition" winner, please drop us a line to: