
Sunday, August 8, 2010

Best Motel/Hotel Movie Scenes? Part 2

We have been a wee bit busy with the day-job and we note that we have not posted for a while.

We will start off with a bit of lazy blogging with the continuation of the countdown to the "Top 10 Best Motel/Hotel Movie Scenes" compiled by hotel company Travelodge from more than 3,000 respondents. 

We have added some movie footage for good measure and are counting down to the number 1 best scene over several posts: 

8. Ghostbusters - Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis trashing a dining room. This video has nothing to do with that scene, but we like it much better: 

7. The Godfather - Al Pacino told of his father’s shooting. Can't find that particualar scene either, however we love the opening scene to this movie with Marlon Brando at his haunting, intimidating best: