
Sunday, October 24, 2010

Motella's Labour Weekend

Labour Weekend seems to be a very busy time for most motels though out the country as Kiwis embark on the great New Zealand road trip with the promise of events, family gatherings and good weather.

With a full motel, Mrs Motella and I decided that we didn't want to miss-out and had a rare public outing together. With our our kids in tow we joined some good friends for an evening of social frivolity. 

After cajoling Miss 11 and Master 15 that an evening without cell phone coverage or wireless internet wouldn't be sooo bad, we all jumped into the Motella-mobile and  headed 60km inland where we were soon far way from the demands of the motel and our guests.

I must admit that I wasn't too devastated arriving a little too late to take part in the lamb docking, however we arrived on time to sample the delicacy of charred lamb's tails and damper cooked on an open fire.

This was quickly followed by the woman and menfolk segregating themselves on various farm bikes to feed out the livestock.

Soon after all electronic equipment was abandoned, so unfortunately there are no photos of the wonderful feast we enjoyed back at the farm house that included roast fresh lamb, venison along with some great company.