
Monday, October 25, 2010

Risqué Air New Zealand

When it comes to multi-media marketing, Air New Zealand are at the top of their game.

Probably one of their most successful campaigns has been their in-flight safety video that has been used across all media. Until recently, who would have thought that an in-flight safety brief could be used as a marketing tool for an airline?

Not all of Air New Zealand's promotions are released across all mediums and social media has been used exclusively to test edgy material and push the boundaries.

Our favorite campaign was when Air New Zealand is tapped into the cult of the Cougar by producing a spoof animal planet styled documentary to support a sevens rugby promotion.

Now Air New Zealand have created Rico - a potty-mouthed puppet that is the controversial new social media ambassador of the majority government owned national carrier.

Rico's risqué comments have already gained him a fan base of thousands on Facebook and YouTube. As a stand alone effort, Rico could be seen as missing the mark or even lame, however we are titivated with the schoolboy humour and admire that Air New Zealand is willing to take a risk by shunning political correctness.

A key ingredient for many successful social media campaigns seems to be irritating opinionated, hand-wringing, humorless pinkos that just don't get it. Luckily New Zealand has these over-sensitive, prickly folk in abundance and ironically their outrage gives these campaigns an added lift and exposure in the MSM. 

Air NZ's marketing team seem to understand that travel should be sexy and fun, with a bit of humour thrown in for good measure. We like that.

Have you seen the ads? What do you think of them?