
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Scumbag Motel Guests

I received an email alert from a group of local moteliers that issued a warning about a lowlife that had left behind a filthy mess after checking out of a motel. This will require a hapless motelier to take a unit out of action for several days to bring it back to standard.

Unfortunately when business is slow, sometimes moteliers let their guard down and allow-in scumbag guests that have an over-inflated state of entitlement and think nothing of damaging property with little regard to others.

The email warning gave scant details of the errant guest, other than his name and the city where he is usually domiciled.

While we can  be grateful that the underclass have a habit covering themselves with meaningless tattoos so they can be easily identified, we can also appreciate that they often inflict silly birth-names upon one another. A cursory Google search was all that was needed to easily unearth a few ironic snapshots of this particular scumbag motel guest.

The first mention from the great oracle that is Google, was from a newspaper report that breathlessly reported the scumbag motel guest was part of a group of school dropouts attending a state funded two-week youth programme. After finding it "boring" at first, the scumbag motel guest found it "pretty cool" producing some Maori art products and indulging in some fun activities.

Apparently this holiday-camp programme was based around the principles of Maoridom and included basic living skills such as cooking, cleaning, literacy, numeracy, anger management and "healthy challenges."

The second mention of the scumbag motel guest on Google was that he was awarded one of  sixteen scholarships (ie $200) dolled out from the Napier City Council on behalf of their generous ratepayers.

I guess Napier City Councilors get somewhat bored attending to the mediocrity of roading, footpaths, water and sewage reticulation and are happy to get a bit cutting-edge with other people's money by giving social programmes such as a "Youth Development Fund" a bit of a go.

So what's this farcical nice-to-have adjunct all about? 

According to the website:
 ... Sixteen scholarships which the Napier City Council will award annually to young people in our community to ensure they can make the most of every opportunity and to support them in achieving their dreams and goals.

Who can apply... Anyone between the ages of 10 and 18 who is living in Napier and has an activity that they are involved with which promotes their personal development and requires funding for its realization.

What to do... , fill out an application form, and attach a letter telling us why you need $200 to help you reach your dreams or goals and participate in your chosen activity.
Unfortunately it would appear that a scumbag motel guest has lived a life elevated as a special-needs beneficiary. He has received pointless certificates, hollow achievements have been applauded and has been the benefactor of state-funded cuddling. 

How do you think this will end up?